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Private unitary enterprise service "Byport"
Беларуская English Русский

Smart hotel: Reception office

Reception office - module «Reseption office» is the first step in accommodating the guest. With its help a constant current information about occupancy rates up to now is maintained. The existence of different printing forms allows you to instantly print the necessary documentation: vacationer card, a ticket, notification form, etc. Vacationers do not have to wait long in line to register their arrival and to settle. Thus, improving the quality of customer service.


The module has the following functions:


     Smart hotel

     Smart hotel

Reports :
«Holidaymakers checking-in according to the applications», «Checking-in according to the rooms actual/planned», «Checking-in the actual/planned», «Waiting list», «No-show», «Report to the checkpoint», «Checking out actual/planned», «Checking-out forecast», «Early checking-out», «The age structure of tourists», «Temporary removal vacationers», «The list of checking in vacationers», «List of the daily account of tourists age structure», «Birthday», «Group form of notification», «Number of vacationers», «Latecomers», «Vacationers according to the citizenship», «Transfer of the vacationers'», «Shift of clothes», «Vacationers on benefits», «Preliminary information about travelers», «Checking holidaymakers citizenship», «List of holidaymakers», «List of holidaymakers according to the rooms actual/planned», «List of vacationers who are living/lived in the selected room», «The report for checking those who have a meal according to the age category», «The report about those vacationers who have a packed lunch or a meal by order», «The report about those vacationers who have a packed lunch», «Meals», «Meals (archive)», «Meals (breakfast, dinner, supper)», «Detailed report about those vacationers who have meals», «The list of vacationers according to the meals», «List of paid vouchers through cash machine», «Cash register», «Cash register for additional services», «Report on the realized vouchers», «Report on the resort fee», «Report on services», «Registry Service foreigners», «Register of nutrition», «Registry of living», «Help Service «Data realized vouchers», «The depth of sales», «The number of serviced vacationers (Form 1 tour (holiday))», «Distribution of the number of serviced vacationers (Form 1 tour (holiday)», «Certificate of Completion», «List of the users' work», «Occupancy actual/planned», «The number of bed-days», «Overview», «Report to the Ministry of Emergency Situations», «Report to the legal entities», «Report on the areas», «Report on the work of the hotel», «Report on accounting of damaged property», «Rollovers applications», «Wi-Fi card accounting».