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Private unitary enterprise service "Byport"
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Smart resort Accountancy

Smart resort The module Accountancy - this module is interconnected with other modules to provide a complete record of all data and interaction structures. The module provides an accounting of transactions related to cash flow of the resort.



The main functions of this module are the following:

Some systems allow you to interact with the program 1C and perform the following steps:  

Services comparison. Each of the systems has a list of services. In «Smart resort» we produce implementation services, but in the 1C we keep records on despatched services. Services сomparison allows you to uniquely identify marketing services.

Comparison of counterparties. Each system interacts with clients in the implementation of services either physical or legal entities. Possibility of comparison or usage of the data from one system to another, makes it easier to match the payment to contractors and necessary to keep a single account under the same client.  

Unloading the accounts. The basic operation to send data to the accounting department is unloading accounts. In the regulated time, or when you receive a payment, an accountant can unload the exposed customers invoices and download them to 1C. Since the account has complete details related to sales in the future, comparing the payments on accounts in 1C, we can get all the necessary analysis.  

Smart resort

Download payments. In order to reflect the arrival of payments on invoices and payment control, we can upload the data on payments after comparing them with accounts in 1C. When you download payments to the «Smart resort», account status is automatically changed.    

Smart resort