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Private unitary enterprise service "Byport"
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Smart hotel Diets

The module «Diets» continues the software package «Smart hotel». This program automates the basic processes, which are connected with the catering in the hotel: it provides the working-out and design of the menu, takes int account the number of guests who keep a certain diet, does the calculation of the quantity of products, nutritional value calculations, monitors the compliance of the natural norms of consumption. The program provides the ability of pre-seating and the actual seating of vacationers, taking into account the diet, age or gender, viewing the schedule of all waiters. All data about vacationers comes from the registry to the post of nutritionist (dining room administrator), so a specialist doesn't need to make notes about the customer's personal data or the data on the voucher, thereby it saves time.

The basic functions of the software «Smart hotel: Diets» are the following:

     Smart hotel

     Smart hotel

     Smart hotel

To date, the program can be used by nutritionist who is a key user of the system, the administrator of the dining room and accountant.